Launching Ceremony for the Project of “Delivering life-saving sexual and reproductive health intervention in Kigoma region” (UNFPA)

Signing by Ambassador and UNFPA Country Representative
Together with Borderless Tanzania and Tanzania Red Cross Society
  1. On 31st January, a launching ceremony was held at Ambassador’s residence to inaugurate the “Delivering Life-Saving Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions to the refugees in Nyarugusu and Nduta Refugee Camps and the Host Communities in Kasulu and Kibondo districts in Kigoma Region” project, Japan’s supplementary budget project through UNFPA.
  2. Through Japan’s contribution of USD 359,964 (approx. JPY 49 million) to UNFPA, this project will provide quality sexual and reproductive health services to women and girls in refugee camps and host communities in Kigoma Region.
  3. Through this project, it is expected to contribute to improving the level of maternal and child health care in Tanzania.